Monday, July 30, 2012

Jamming With Tracy Austin

On July 19th, some of the Jammers had a chance to hang out with no other than tennis legend and two-time US Open Champion, Tracy Austin.  I wanted to meet Tracy Austin since I was a kid.  Several years ago, Tracy came to Springfield to promote Cardio Tennis.  This time she was here to do an adult on-court clinic, lunch, and a photo session.  Now who would want to miss out on an opportunity to meet this three-time Grand Slam winner and international tennis ambassador?  Some of us Jammers (Teresa, Kelly, Nancy, Heidi, Debbie, and I) loved that opportunity and were there that day.  We all had a blast and learned something from Tracy.  Debbie and I got our picture taken with her and yes, I got Tracy’s autograph too for my tennis collection.

Here I am with Tracy

Debbie with Tracy

I got Tracy to autograph these

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