Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2013 Local League Champions

This week the Jammers wrap up their regular season with a win to give them once again as this year 2013 USTA Local League Champions.   Yay!!!
It was a hot night for tennis for sure, but the Jammers didn’t let the heat bother them.  It was also opening night for the WTT (World Team Tennis) for the Springfield Lasers as well.  A lot was going on that night, but the Jammers stayed focus and brought in a 4-1 win against the TopSpin team.  

Leigh Lewis won her singles match against her opponent Nancy Skinner in two straight sets with the scores of 6-0, 6-4.  Carol Rollins played singles once again and had to take her match to a match tie-break.  She won the first set 6-1 against Judy Daugherty.  She lost in the second set 1-6.  Fought hard in the tie break and won it at 10-5.

Teresa Emerson teamed up this time with Lisa Powell at doubles.  They had a tougher time in their match but manage to pull out a win.  The first set went to at set tie break, where they were behind at 1-4, but came back and won it at 7-4 against their opponents Leah Clark and Lori Robinson.  They have an easier time in the second set, where they won it with a score of 6-1.
Beth Wilson and Mary Ann Daum had a tough night against their opponents Candise Kroutil and Cheryl Daucher.  Beth and Mary Ann lost in the first set 2-6.  They took the second set to a set tie break.  They fought hard for every point, but couldn’t pull out a win; they lost the second set at 7-9.
Our third doubles team of Heidi Smith and Margaret Taylor pull out another win together with their match against Linda Donnelson and Tijuana Julian.  Heidi and Maggie won in two straight sets with the scores of 6-1, 6-2.

Since the Jammers win the Local League and Columbia does not have the 40 & over 3.5 team this year.  The Jammers will automatically advance to the Sectionals Championship in Des Moines IA August 8 – 11 this year.  It was kind of disappointing that there is no District Championship for the Jammers to play in, but they are definitely ready to go to Sectionals to compete for sure.

Team Standings

Team Name
     Indiv. Wins
     Indiv. Losses
     Sets Lost
     Games Lost

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