Thursday, June 27, 2013


This week match wasn’t pretty for the Jammers.  They lost their first match for the season 2-3 to the Netchix.  Nancy Winters tried her best at singles against Pat McCormick.  She fought hard, but it wasn’t her day, she lost in two sets 6-4, 6-1. 
Kim Wood was also having a tough time in her singles match against Carol Goldstein.  In the first set, Kim was down at 0-5, but turned around and won the next 3 games.  But that’s all she could do in the first set.  She lost it at 6-3.  In the second set, Kim won the first 3 games.  We all thought she was on her way to win the set.  It didn’t work out for the Jammers.  Kim lost in the second set at 6-4.
Kelly Kramer teamed up with Beth Wilson again for their doubles match.  It was a tight first set, point by point, and game by game.  They won the first set against Karen Smith and Lesley Skinner 7-5.  They have a little easier time in the second set; they won it at 6-3. 
Our second doubles team of Karen Griffin and Lisa Powell were really having a hard time in their first set.  They lost 6-1 to Peggy Lindsey and Susy Barr.  Lisa said they played a little bit better in the second set but just could pull out a win for the team.  They lost the second set to the Netchix 6-4.
Heidi Smith joined forces with Margaret Taylor and played well together.  They won their match in two straight sets against Ann Vogel and Polly Egbert 6-2, 6-1.

It was a tough lost for the Jammers.  But I think it will give them a chance to reexamine what is it that they need to do to win their last match for the season.  They need to see what they all need to do AS A TEAM to move forward when they compete at Sectionals.  I hope they realize that at any given time, a chance at Sectionals can be taken away from them if they lose sight of it.  I’m sure none of the Jammers would like to sit at home again like they did last year. 

The Jammers have another bye next week, so it will give them a chance to think about what happened this week and perhaps work on their game and be ready for their last match of the regular season.  Can’t have an undefeated season this year, but perhaps the chance at Sectionals will be a great one!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Arkansas Adult NTRP Clay Court Championships

Over the weekend, Teresa Emerson and Kelly Kramer went to Little Rock, AR to compete in the Arkansas Adult NTRP Clay Court Championships.  Yes, they played on clay courts.  They were the Women’s 3.5 Doubles Consolation Winners.  They defeated Melanie Kiker(1)/Lori Uekman(1) 6-4; 5-7; 1-0 in the Finals.  Congratulations ladies on a job well done!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Our Jammer girls did well this week; maybe my pep talk last week did help.  They won all 5 courts against the TopSpin team.  Kelly Kramer won her singles match against Candise Kroutil 6-2, 6-1.  Lisa Powell made her debut at singles and won her match 6-0, 6-0.  Pretty impressive I say.    Okay she won her match because the other team defaults.  Now that’s something you will never see the Jammers do.    We would never give an easy win to our opponent like that.  We make them work for it.

Our doubles team of Leigh Lewis and Julie Skinner, who never play together, had an easy match over their opponents Tijuana Julian and Linda Donnelson 6-1, 6-1.  Mary Ann Daum and Beth Wilson had a little tougher time with their match.  They won the first set 6-4, but lose the second set 3-6 against Nancy Skinner and Judy Daugherty.  They had to battle it out in the 3rd set tie-break, which Mary Ann said to herself as she started to serve the first point for the tie –break that she refuse to lose, and that’s all it takes.  Mary Ann and Beth won the tie-break 10-4.    And our third doubles team of Carol Rollins and Margaret Taylor had an easy time with their match.  They won their match within an hour against Leah Clark and Lori Robinson 6-2, 6-0.

Four matches under their belt the Jammers are undefeated.  Way to go Jammers!

Team Standings


Team Name
   Indiv. Wins
   Indiv. Losses
   Sets Lost
   Games Lost

Next week, the Jammers will have a bye.  Two more matches left to the season; they are going for another undefeated season.  Good Luck Jammers!  May the aces be with you!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Even though it was a long and tough weekend for some of the Jammers, they still have a match to play when Monday came.  Everyone was tired from playing in the Spam Slam so the match on Monday was a tough one to come back to for the Jammers.  Everyone knew how important this match against the Netchix was going to be for us.  We cannot lose to them.   

The girls did well; not their usual best, we won 3 out of 5 courts against the Netchix.  Teresa Emerson won her singles against Lesley Skinner in the first set pretty easy 6-0.  She fought hard in the second set after falling behind at 4-0 to win it at 7-5.  Great come back TE!

Julie Skinner tried her best at singles for the first time.  She hung in there and fought for every point but couldn’t come up with a win.  She lost to Pat McCormick with the scores of 6-2, 6-2.  Great try Julie; you’ll get her next time!

Our doubles team of Kelly Kramer and Nancy Winters won their match against Susy Barr and Peggy Lindsey with the scores of 6-3, 6-1.  The team of Karen Griffin and Kim Wood  battled it out against Karen Smith and Laura Wilhite but couldn’t come out on top, they lost with the scores of 6-3, 6-4.  And our third doubles team of Leigh Lewis and Heidi Smith were victorious with their match against Carol Goldstein and Ann Vogel.   They also won their match with the scores of 6-3, 6-1.

Yes, the team did win their match, but I was still disappointed in how they play.  Maybe I’m just too hard on them, and expected too much from all of them.  I knew they were tired, but sill, they DID NOT play their best at all.  We came very close to lose that match.  I was NOT very happy with them at all.  Their overall performance was just unacceptable to me.  If they continue to play like that the rest of the season, the Jammers will not be going to Sectionals.  So I told them they ALL better get their butts in gear and play like a winner the rest of the season, otherwise, it will be a repeat of what happened to them last year-sitting at home, while another team played at Sectionals.    Let’s see how they will play next week.  Geez!!!  They are stressing me out!!!

Not sure anyone win any beer this week!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2013 – SPAM SLAM

Some of the Jammers traveled to Bentonville AR on May 31 – June 2 to play in the Spam Slam Tournament.  For some, it was our second year to compete at the Spam, for others it would be their first.  Last year, Springfield brought 10 players to the Spam, this year we brought over 30 players to Bentonville.  Current and former Jammers did great but not as great as we had wanted to.  Last year, we captured the 3.5 Women’s Singles and Doubles titles, and were finalists in both singles and doubles in the Consolation bracket for the 3.5 Women’s.  This year, Teresa Emerson and Nancy Winters made it to the Quarterfinals, while Kelly Kramer and Heidi Smith made it to the Semifinals in the 3.5 Women’s Doubles.  Carol Rollins was the finalist in the Consolation bracket in the 3.5 Women’s Singles. 
Debbie O’Reilly and I was the finalist in the Consolation bracket for the 4.0 Women’s Doubles, we lost in the match tie-break 13-11.  That was hard for me to lose; I don’t usually lose in a tie-break.  Tough lost that weekend.    

I then teamed up with my mixed doubles partner, Alex Wiley; we won the 9.0 Mixed Doubles Consolation bracket against Vanessa Pruitt and Tim Sammarco 6-3, 0-6, 1-0 (10-8).  Had the best match ever playing mixed. 

It was a long weekend but we all had fun.  We enjoyed going to Bentonville and played since we don’t know the players.  Different type of games and we always learn something every year we go.  We all are definitely come back to this tournament every year.


NTRP Women’s 3.5 Doubles:

Semifinals:   Ashley Pierce/Sarah Wohlford d. Kelly Kramer/Heidi Smith  6-2; 6-3

Quarterfinals:  Kelly Kramer/Heidi Smith d. Cindy Holeyfield/Jan Jennings 3-6; 6-4; 1-0
                            Ashley Pierce/Sarah Wohlford d. Teresa Emerson/Nancy Winters 6-3; 6-3

Round of 16:  Kelly Kramer/Heidi Smith d. Emily Espinosa/Khristina Gerads 6-4; 6-2
                         Teresa Emerson/Nancy Winters d. Tabitha Watkins/Karen Casey 6-3; 6-4

                        Ashley Pierce/Sarah Wohlford d. Karen Griffin/Julie Skinner 6-2; 6-3

Round of 32:  Kelly Kramer/Heidi Smith d. Caroline Salvador/Koven White 6-4; 6-3
                        Teresa Emerson/Nancy Winters d. Deidre Lea/Judy Pufall 6-3; 6-3

                        Karen Griffin/Julie Skinner d. Khankeo Khouborin/Jennifer Lindsey 7-5; 6-1
                        Jill Holmes/Carolyn Neubauer d. Shanan Hood/Leigh Lewis 7-5; 7-5

            Michele Adnan/Stephanie Reese Hollingsworth d. Karen Smith Margaret       
            Taylor  6-3; 6-4
                        Sara Cunningham/Billie Nelligan d. Lesley Skinner/Beth Wilson 6-1; 6-1


Round 2:  Deana Deramo/Leigh Wendlandt d. Lesley Skinner/Beth Wilson 6-4; 3-6; 1-0

Round 1:  Mona Cochran/Devon Milum d. Shanan Hood/Leigh Lewis 6-3; 6-4
                  Rebecca Cantey/Carrie Rampey d.  Karen Smith/Margaret Taylor 4-6; 6-3; 1-0


NTRP Women’s 3.5 Singles:

Quarterfinals:  Natalie Kaderly d.  Julie Warren 6-2; 6-2

Round of 16:  Sarah Nunn d. Carol Rollins 6-1; 6-0                   


Finals:  Pamela Kinnevan d.  Carol Rollins 7-6; 6-4

Semifinals:  Carol Rollins d. Julie Warren Def (ns)

Quarterfinals:  Carol Rollins d. Rebecca Welton 6-3; 1-6; 1-0


 NTRP Women’s 4.0 Doubles:

Quarterfinals:  Dani Madison/Ai-Chau Nguyen d. Huong Doan/Debbie O’Reilly 6-3; 7-5
                            Gayla Saegert/Sandy Stursma d. Hee-Sun Kim/Julie Warren 6-2; 7-5


Finals:  Caroline Bond/Nancy Rahmeyer d. Huong Doan/Debbie O’Reilly 3-6; 6-1; 1-0

Semifinals:  Huong Doan/Debbie O’Reilly d. Hee-Sun Kim/Julie Warren Def (ns)


NTRP Women’s 4.0 Singles:

Round Robin:  Emelita Trotter d. Hee-Sun Kim 7-6; 6-2
                           Sherri Dotson d. Hee-Sun Kim 6-2; 6-2

                           Dianne Hendrix d. Hee-Sun Kim Wo (inj)


NTRP Combined Mixed 9.0 Doubles:

Semifinals:  Tara Pfeil/Andrew Todd d. Huong Doan/Alex Wiley 6-0; 6-3


Finals:  Huong Doan/Alex Wiley d. Vanessa Pruitt/Tim Sammarco 6-3; 0-6; 1-0

Cool prizes for the raffle

Yes - this cake is edible

The coolest cake ever


This is what I won at the raffle - basketball (SPAM), 2 pairs of socks (SPAM), a pair of shorts (SPAM), and a SPAM man.  I'm ready to try out for the LA Lakers.


All the Springfield tennis players at the SPAM slam


My SPAM man