Thursday, June 6, 2013


Even though it was a long and tough weekend for some of the Jammers, they still have a match to play when Monday came.  Everyone was tired from playing in the Spam Slam so the match on Monday was a tough one to come back to for the Jammers.  Everyone knew how important this match against the Netchix was going to be for us.  We cannot lose to them.   

The girls did well; not their usual best, we won 3 out of 5 courts against the Netchix.  Teresa Emerson won her singles against Lesley Skinner in the first set pretty easy 6-0.  She fought hard in the second set after falling behind at 4-0 to win it at 7-5.  Great come back TE!

Julie Skinner tried her best at singles for the first time.  She hung in there and fought for every point but couldn’t come up with a win.  She lost to Pat McCormick with the scores of 6-2, 6-2.  Great try Julie; you’ll get her next time!

Our doubles team of Kelly Kramer and Nancy Winters won their match against Susy Barr and Peggy Lindsey with the scores of 6-3, 6-1.  The team of Karen Griffin and Kim Wood  battled it out against Karen Smith and Laura Wilhite but couldn’t come out on top, they lost with the scores of 6-3, 6-4.  And our third doubles team of Leigh Lewis and Heidi Smith were victorious with their match against Carol Goldstein and Ann Vogel.   They also won their match with the scores of 6-3, 6-1.

Yes, the team did win their match, but I was still disappointed in how they play.  Maybe I’m just too hard on them, and expected too much from all of them.  I knew they were tired, but sill, they DID NOT play their best at all.  We came very close to lose that match.  I was NOT very happy with them at all.  Their overall performance was just unacceptable to me.  If they continue to play like that the rest of the season, the Jammers will not be going to Sectionals.  So I told them they ALL better get their butts in gear and play like a winner the rest of the season, otherwise, it will be a repeat of what happened to them last year-sitting at home, while another team played at Sectionals.    Let’s see how they will play next week.  Geez!!!  They are stressing me out!!!

Not sure anyone win any beer this week!

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