Thursday, June 13, 2013


Our Jammer girls did well this week; maybe my pep talk last week did help.  They won all 5 courts against the TopSpin team.  Kelly Kramer won her singles match against Candise Kroutil 6-2, 6-1.  Lisa Powell made her debut at singles and won her match 6-0, 6-0.  Pretty impressive I say.    Okay she won her match because the other team defaults.  Now that’s something you will never see the Jammers do.    We would never give an easy win to our opponent like that.  We make them work for it.

Our doubles team of Leigh Lewis and Julie Skinner, who never play together, had an easy match over their opponents Tijuana Julian and Linda Donnelson 6-1, 6-1.  Mary Ann Daum and Beth Wilson had a little tougher time with their match.  They won the first set 6-4, but lose the second set 3-6 against Nancy Skinner and Judy Daugherty.  They had to battle it out in the 3rd set tie-break, which Mary Ann said to herself as she started to serve the first point for the tie –break that she refuse to lose, and that’s all it takes.  Mary Ann and Beth won the tie-break 10-4.    And our third doubles team of Carol Rollins and Margaret Taylor had an easy time with their match.  They won their match within an hour against Leah Clark and Lori Robinson 6-2, 6-0.

Four matches under their belt the Jammers are undefeated.  Way to go Jammers!

Team Standings


Team Name
   Indiv. Wins
   Indiv. Losses
   Sets Lost
   Games Lost

Next week, the Jammers will have a bye.  Two more matches left to the season; they are going for another undefeated season.  Good Luck Jammers!  May the aces be with you!!!

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